22 March

Benefits to E-learning

We've recently introduced a variety of e-learning compliance courses to our existing suite of classroom based learning. E-Learning is comprised of many different learning elements such as video, audio and quizzes which suit a variety of learning styles. We therefore take a look at the benefits to e-learning and understand how this may benefit your business if you do choose to invest.

Faster delivery

E-learning gives you the ability to quickly create and communicate new policies and training. Change is often inevitable, and a key advantage of e-learning is that it has a quicker delivery cycle than traditional classroom based learning. It doesn't take a long time to start and finish a learning session and learners set their own pace which enables them to focus on elements of a programme they may usually require more time on.


Having training consistently delivered throughout the organisation is very important, as this ensures continuity. A structured development programme ensures that employees have a consistent experience and the relevant background knowledge. All employees are required to be aware of the expectation and procedures within the company. Putting all employees through regular training in these areas also ensures that all staff at least have exposure to necessary information.

Reduced cost

Often, e-learning is the most cost effective option as there isn't training to facilitate. E-learning also reduces time away from the workplace and cuts down on travel expense, making it extremely beneficial to a business. If learners already have a device capable of completing online training, then the savings can be considerable.


As e-Learning can be completed on laptops, tablets and phones – it is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on a train, plane or any other time that could prove to be an opportunity. It can also prove very advantageous if learners are mobile workers with limited availability to take days off for classroom based learning.

Employee retention

Learning of any kind can lead to increased retention and a stronger grasp on a subject, with the ability to revisit or replay sections of the training that might not have been clear the first time around. As a business, you are seen to be investing in a person’s professional development, ultimately making them more likely to stay. 

Read 901 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 March 2016 08:43