As part of RDS Global’s strategy to expand, it was highlighted that in order to achieve sustained growth whilst still delivering excellent service to their client; they must invest in their people. This strategy was incredibly successful and coincided with the acquisition of another business to their portfolio.
Roundhouse Thinking was asked to come on board as the training partner in this process, due to their experience and excellence in supporting and running change programmes. A solution was designed that mixed bespoke training to support the changes being made to teams within the business as well as a workshop for the directors and training courses for individuals to fill specific skills and knowledge targets. The programme included:
- 2 day Organisation Culture Workshop – delivered to the board of directors looking at what kind culture the directors wanted to embed and how to do it. We also looked at the challenges of bringing two cultures together following the merger.
- 1 day Customer Service Workshop – these were delivered to all teams from both of the businesses to look at what good customer service is and examining the new processes that would be used in the new organisational structure. It was also an opportunity to bring people together and start work on embedding a positive organisational culture.
- Public Courses (Project Management, HR Essentials, Finance for Non-Finance Directors) – some individuals from the business benefitted from improving their professional skills and increasing their knowledge of business on Roundhouse Thinking’s public courses.
Feedback has been unanimously positive so far, there are still a number of steps to take to complete the programme and ensure RDS Global is fully supported on their journey.