Derbyshire Health United

When Derbyshire Health United chose to update their appraisals process as part of their ongoing commitment to business improvement and ensuring that they fully support their staff; Roundhouse Thinking was asked to design a bespoke Appraisals Training programme for over 30 managers across 3 different sites. This process was to reinforce their managers’ existing people management skills, as well as introduce and embed the new appraisals process.

The Derbyshire Health United staff were incredibly engaging and enthusiastic individuals and unanimously enjoyed the experience at the same time as improving their management competency.

Derbyshire Health United were a great organisation to work with and made the process very simple, they also had an active input into the training design and sat with our trainer to ensure that we would be delivering exactly what the organisation required.

Roundhouse Thinking were able to fit the training around the client’s shift patterns and differing locations as well as provide delivery at our own site to deliver the training in line with the schedule for the new process.
